Get Online Speech Therapy for Your Child

Are you worried about your child's speech & how it might be impacting their development, interactions at school or their self-esteem? Have you struggled to get the speech and language support you need, when you need it?

We'll help you to understand what's wrong & why, then provide tailored advice, activities & coaching to help your child become a happy, confident & effective communicator - all without the need for expensive therapy sessions, travel or long waiting lists. Get started with our online screener & consultation call.

(Our telehealth services are rated 5 star by parents)

Trusted by Hundreds of Parents & Guardians

We provide fast, effective & professional online speech therapy services (delivered by HCPC & RCSLT registered therapists) which aren't restricted by where you live and can fit around your schedule. We can help with a wide range of problems, including:

  • Speech sounds
  • Lisps
  • Late talkers
  • Stammering
  • Social communication difficulties
  • Understanding & processing
  • And much more...

Want to read our reviews? Visit our TrustPilot page

Online Speech Therapy vs Face-to-Face

Online health services (or 'Telehealth' services) such as Online Speech Therapy, are increasingly playing a vital role in our lives across both private and national healthcare services (The NHS revealed plans to provide 12 million patients with access to online, video-based, GP consultations from 2020).

The benefits of such services are very clear:

  • No waiting lists
  • No travelling for appointments
  • Easier access to services for those in remote locations
  • Flexible hours for appointments

Specifically, when it comes to Speech and Language Therapy, where more and more parents are turning to private therapy to avoid long waiting lists and to get the level of service they require, there are additional benefits of using an online ('Telehealth') service, including:

  • Increased availability of therapists & appointments
  • Faster access to the expertise & support your child needs
  • Lower costs for services
  • More accurate assessments (based on video rather one-off view)
  • Focus on empowering parents & guardians to help children progress at home
  • A less intimidating experience for the child (no scary clinic visits)

On top of all of that, it's well documented that providing parents and guardians the right techniques, strategies and activities, which can be built into the child's everyday routines, is much more effective than short, one-off, direct therapy sessions.

That’s where Saltroad comes in....

We specialise in helping children who have speech and language difficulties, and thanks to our modern, online approach to therapy, we can typically provide an assessment, with advice and activities to help the child progress, within 24hrs.

So take the first step today, with our online screener & consultation call which will help us to get you the right support you need.


Trusted, Secure & Professional

Regulated Therapists

Saltroad therapists are UK-based and licensed to practice by the Health and Care Professions Council and are members of the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists.

Any information you provide to or discuss with your appointed Speech & Langauge Therapist is treated with patient confidentiality, and will not be shared with anyone else.

All information uploaded to Saltroad is stored in secure, private and fully-encrypted cloud-based folders, accessible only by you and your assigned Speech Therapist & deleted after assessment.


Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. Using private speech and language services does not have any impact on your access to support through the NHS and you won’t lose your place on an NHS waiting list or have sessions withdrawn/reduced if you use Saltroad.

Any child who has enough language to get a suitable sample from can receive a speech sound assessment. Even very young children can have an assessment through informal observations of their play and talking. If your child doesn’t have many words yet, it will not be possible to assess their speech. Please feel free to fill in our questionnaire if you are unsure and our speech and language therapists can advise you further.

Saltroad provides speech sound assessments only, and is not a full assessment of language and communication skills. For many children, this is the only area of need, and so the advice provided by Saltroad will be enough to support the development of their communication skills. However, if you have concerns about another area of your child’s communication skills (e.g. social communication, language skills or a stammer), it would be helpful to see a speech and language therapist face-to-face for a more thorough assessment. If you are unsure whether you should use Saltroad or not, fill in the initial questionnaire and our speech and language therapists can advise you and help you make the decision.

Assessments are key to correctly identifying a child's speech problem(s), and deciding how best to help them. We will send you guidance and a short picture naming assessment with carefully selected words to cover a range of speech sounds using vocabulary which is familiar and accessible to young children. We also encourage parents to submit further video evidence of their child talking freely so that we have an idea of how your child speaks in full sentences, as this can often be different to using single words.

Video has been proven to be very effective in assessing speech. In fact, it can allow for more in-depth assessments due to the ability to re-play the recorded assessment. It also removes barriers to traditional speech assessment services for those who live in rural areas, where there are limited services available, or where you face lengthy waiting times.

All you need is something to record a video of your child's speech - a smart phone or tablet is fine. You will also need access to the internet and an email address so you can submit your video and communicate with your assigned therapist.

Yes! Please feel free to share your assessment, report, activities etc. with anyone you feel necessary to. In fact, Saltroad encourage this, and promote joint working with anyone involved.

We will provide ideas and guidance on carrying out the assessment, including games and activities in order to encourage your child to engage. Although the formal assessment is helpful, if your child refuses to name the pictures you can just submit a video of them talking during play, as long as it is enough for us to get a good speech sample to analyse.

The first step is to complete our online screener and book a consultation call. At this stage, we will be able to advise you on your options and answer any questions you have about the service.

Still have questions? Get in touch

Let's Help Your Child Today

(Rated 5 stars by parents)
Get Started
Once you complete our online screener, we can arrange an online consultation.